Monday, March 29, 2010

E is for Easter

As much as the little guy thinks he likes glue, once we're actually gluing something he really only likes to direct me.  Hmmm, maybe that's why he always wants to glue ;)  Here's what we used for our Easter Egg E:
  • Green construction paper for the background
  • Egg shape cut out of pink construction paper
  • E cut out of purple construction paper
  • Scrap bits of various fabric/ribbon/yarn

Thursday, March 18, 2010

L is for Lucky

Here's what we used:
  • Purple construction paper for the background
  • Letter L cut out of yellow construction paper
  • Brown markers for coloring the L
  • Shamrock leaves cut out of green construction paper

Monday, March 8, 2010

B is for Bird

Here's what we used:
  • green construction paper for the canvas
  • small paper plate, colored by Munchkin and folded in half for the nest
  • letter B cut out of red construction paper
  • beak cut out of yellow construction paper
  • assortment of craft feathers